Breed standard

Milk utility indicators
Lactation I Lactation II and Following Lactations
Milk Production 4,200 – 4,600 kg 5,000 kg and more
Milk Proteins Production 132 – 142 kg 170 kg and more
Milk Proteins Content 3.30 – 3.40% 3.30 – 3.40%
Fat Content min. 3.80% min. 3.80%
  • Milkability is an average min. milked volume 1.7.
  • Fertility of cows is characterized by interim period from 380 – 400 days.
  • Earliness of the Slovak spotted breed´s milkers is characterized by age and weight in time of first mating. The most suitable weight for first mating is over 450kg in age over 18 – 20 months.
  • The stud bulls are eligible for breeding in age 14 – 16 months with min. gain 1,100 grams.
  • In the area of bull feeding, an intensive growth to live weight above 600kg with average daily gain over 1,000g, good butcher yield, high share of valuable meat parts and good meat quality is required.
Exterior properties standard

The Slovak spotted breed is a combined meat-milk utility breed with a moderate to large body size, harmonic body shape and excellent muscles. Taking a current body size into account, an increase of the body size is required in general to support the combined utility type.

Requirements for body dimensions, weight of cows and stud bulls
Indicator Cows (Lactation I) Cows (Lactation II and Following Lactations) Stud Bulls (5-years old and older)
Small of the Back Height
– average (cm) 139 142 157
– range (cm) 137 – 142 139 – 145 152 – 160
Thorax Circumference (cm) min. 195 200 and more 250
Live Weight
– average (kg) 600 650 1200
– range (kg) 550 – 650 600 – 800 1100 – 1300

Basic body color of the Slovak spotted breed: from yellow-spotted to red-spotted. Head, belly bottom, legs, and end of the tail are white. Small pigmented spots are permitted on the head. Muzzle is pink, with small pigmented gray-brown spots permitted.

Growth standard of the Slovak spotted breed

The growth standard of the Slovak spotted breed requires a smooth growth of the stud and brood animals adequate to their age. The mass growth of the individual categories shall include the following idnicators:

  1. Brood heifers:
    from birth to 12 months of age 800 g
    from 12 to 20 months of age 700 g
  2. Stud bulls in nursery:
    from birth to basic selection over 1100kg
  3. Bulls in feeder:
    over 1000 g
Requirements for physical dimensions, weight of heifers and bulls of the Slovak spotted breed
Age in months Weight (kg) Small of the back height Chest (cm)
Brood heifers
6 170 – 190
12 330 – 360
18 450 – 500
24 550 – 600
Stud bulls
12 460 – 500 125 – 135 182 – 185
13 490 – 540 128 – 140 185 – 190
14 520 – 570 131 – 141 190 – 195
15 550 – 600 134 – 144 195 – 200
16 580 – 630 135 – 145 200 – 205
Characteristics of the body parts of the Slovak spotted breed

Skin – moderate thick to thick, flexible and elastic, free fit, easy removable on the ribs.
Hair – short, strong and bright.
Head – moderate length, moderate width and slightly deepen between eyes. Sex dimorphism is significant. The head of bulls is shorter and wider, the head of cows is smoother.
Eyes – large, with large elastic eyelids. Eyelashes are standing in front of more elastic, thicker, frilled skin around the eyes.
Nose – large and oval, muzzle is wide with the large, strong incisive teeth, well-fitted to the dental plate..
Neck – strong, adequately long with uniform transition to the torso and thorax.
Cock – wide, well-vaulted and relatively well muscled, jointed firmly with torso through a long, inclined and muscled shoulder-blade.
Thorax – long, wide and sufficiently deep.
Ribs – wide, long, with round vaulting.
Back – long, wide and robust.
Buttocks – straight, wide and well-muscled.
Belly – spacious, with relatively deeper groin.
Pelvis – long, wide and slightly inclined.
Tail root – moderate thick.
Thigh – relatively well-muscled from inside and outside.
Legs – adequately strong and dry, correct when standing and moving.
Foot joints – wider, dry, with correct angle to highlighted foot joint tendon.
Buckles – relatively short and strong.
Neats – hard, uniform, oval and well-closed.
Udder – firmly bound to the belly and spreading forward and backward.

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